Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dipali Learns to Walk with Corrective Shoes Provided by LDLM

Dipali (which means light) learning to walk. 

Eight-year-old Dipali’s Mother thought her sweet and loving child would never be able to walk properly again. Dipali Das was born with a deformity: her feet pointed outwards contrary to the way normal feet are supposed to be. She could neither walk or stand properly and fell down before she could walk even two steps forward.  Born into an extremely poor family in Gosaba, in a remote village in the Sunderbans, her father, a fisherman, was badly wounded when attacked by a tiger and could no longer support his family.

Baba’s compassionate heart opened when he heard of this beautiful child’s suffering and after her surgery to correct her deformity, Baba decided that LDLM would bear the cost of her corrective shoes till she is able to get back on her own feet. The girl was brought to Kolkata and fitted for proper shoes which, along with her Mother’s loving massage, and coupled with exercises, she can now dream of walking normally one day. Within the last one month of treatment from the Doctor the mission consulted, her new shoes and mother’s massage she has miraculously improved and can walk much, much better than ever before, as you can see in her photo.

Dipali also suffers from the nerves in her eyes drying up. Again, Baba’s loving Mission has taken up the responsibility for her eye treatment as well. Her eyes are now much better after consulting the Mission’s hospital for children's eye care and being under the direct care of the best doctors. Dipali, which means light, has certainly brought light into the lives of all who have treated her, with her sweet spirit to try again and again.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nara Narayan Seva

Wait, open your eyes, perceive – Imagine a message coming from your within ; somebody telling you that God in disguise has come all the way for you. He waits on your way with a bowl in his hand, looking at you.  Give your service, open up all your feelings and the emotions AND then take back home a purified state of mind, a gift from him for going through the process of  -  “Seva “.

·      “Seva”   -  Bengali word -  service with emotion.
·       Nara  Narayan – God in disguise of common man.

·    ·    Photographs are from Projects of Lokenath Divine Life Mission 

Friday, August 3, 2012


In a city, subway takes us to the destination within minutes. But at a remote village Bijaynagar of Gosaba islands, boats are the only means of transportation, and hardships are a plenty.

Boats to the market are managed by boat drivers’ union. In a meeting with the Mission and consequently with Baba, the farmers addressed a serious problem; years back boat services to the market at 5 in the morning were available, but now when the farmers reach the market with vegetables, the market is all over.

Swamiji discussed the matter with his team of dedicated workers of the Mission and decided that a written appeal to renew the 5 am boat service should be made by his Mission to the Union, with 500 support signatures of the villagers, a copy of which would be submitted to the Government to make the union feel the importance of the issue.

Workers of the Mission are now collecting the signatures, which is a difficult process , as the families are scattered over a large area where some pathways are broken and mostly do not exist at all. It is a mass movement Swamiji has arranged, which will motivate people to get united for wellbeing of all.

Farmers on boat

The boat carrying farmers' organic vegetables to market on time. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Seeing the Divine in the Smiles and Eyes of the Street Kids

Rashbehari-Tollygunj junction, the pavement is the home for many refugee families, they live on the streets, children are born there, they grow up there, but they have the same dreams that kids in rich families dream. I asked this wonder-kid, can you tell me a rhyme? Yes, and here he goes, with full confidence and joy of his heart. My heart was flooded with bliss eternal. I see God here, in these kids, they embody the Divine to me!!

I go to inaugurate the new street school in one the streets of Calcutta, the children from the streets are waiting for me, i go, and they are full of joy, i see this girl who comes to garland me, as is customary in Indian tradition, and i put it back to her neck, and tell her that she is most beautiful, and look at her divine smile and the spark in her eyes, Yes, we all can serve God for God has been kind to give us two hands, one to receive and the other to GIVE, love overflowing, Babaji

I was taking pictures of the angels of Calcutta streets, and two kids who were sitting close to each other wanted me to take their pictures, so i had my fun and here they are! My priceless gift to you all,

She was looking at me from the moment i walked to pavement to start the street school, i could not take my eyes off her, for she is a perfect angel, so wanted to capture her divine presence, and here is my yet another gift, and let me tell you all these pictures are taken by me, for that is the greatest joy and i know they will give their best to me!!

Sit and draw competition at our Swinhoe Slum School. Look at the attention! Can we not take part more to help these wonder-kids of God.

street school ready to go... in Calcutta, India

Thursday, March 8, 2012

LDLM Starts Pension Program for 72 Destitute, Physically Incapacitated Men and Women

I am on my way to our oldest project in Sunderbans, the islands where we have been working since 1989, Bijoynagar Gosaba,My heart is filled with joy as we are going to distribute monthly financial support to 72 old and destitute women and men who have none in this world to help them when they are physically incapacitated. This is the Sunderbans ahead as seen from the boat.

Old men and women listen to baba as he speaks to them before handing over the Cash support every month, a new Project of Mission for supporting the old and destitute in Sunderbands, Gosaba Project. — at Sunderbans, WB, Gosaba.

This old man brings this garland, and says "I am so happy to day, you have brought faith back into our hearts, into our life, we are ever grateful to you"!

The Old Mother breaks into tears expressing her gratitude while receiving the pension, Do we feel the same gratitude to God?

This old man is paralytic, can't lift his head any more, i was in tears to see the pains and sufferance, can we not do something each day to remove the pain of another soul?

This blind boy while receiving the financial support tells me "i am blind", i ask all present, you all have eyes, but do you see? We have eyes, but we don't see the Truth, the reality, The Divine. I told the boy "try to see with your inner eyes, the Presence of God that is true seeing". — at Gosaba, Sunderban project of LDLM .

Let us pledge to breathe faith in another soul during the course of each day as our reciprocation to God's infinite Love.