This 3 year old child named Radhika Paswan is a regular patient to our Mobile Medical Clinic. Her father is a day laborer and mother is a housewife. They live in a very small thatch roofed hut. When Radhika was 1 year old she suffered from burn injuries caused by a cooking accident at home. She suffered from multiple burn injuries. Our mobile medical van came to her rescue as there is no nearby hospital. They cannot afford the costly medical treatment.
She was treated for burn injuries through Homeopathy. She was thoroughly cured over time. Now she suffers from allergic cough and is undergoing treatment from mission’s doctors. She comes to Mission’s mobile medical clinic with her mother and knows that if she takes the medicines she will be cured.
Our mobile medical van serves so many poor families like Radhika who live in the slums of Kolkata. We call it the lifeline of the slums, giving medical advice, medicines, and treatments to the poor and downtrodden. The slum dwellers thank Lokenath Divine Life Mission for carrying on the mobile medical service for over 16 years.
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