Your feedback helps us and encourages us to continue the good work LDLM is doing.
We love to hear from you, you are our family!
You support us and share with us in this beautiful service to God's blessed children.
Thank you from Baba and LDLM!
LDLM delivers a wide range of education, health and sustainable development programs addressing the root causes of poverty in West Bengal, India. Our women's and farmers' microcredit Self Help Groups provide structural supports and resource linkages to develop personal capacity and to create wealth. We teach organic farming and focus on laying a solid foundation for development that is both sustainable and which nourishes the whole individual and the social context in which he or she lives.
Me and my entire family are ardent devotees of shri shri Lokenath Brahmachariji for nearly 60 years.But I am greviously hurt to see this website.It contains only the activities of the mission.Baba was the highest from of kriyayogi to me & my family.Not a single episode in the site relates to kriyayoga which can teach the common man how to attain salvation.I sincerely hope that the site in future will contain a chapter on discussion of SHRIMADBHAGABATGITA which teaches the highest form of kriyayoga to every person.If shuddhanandaji has any views you may mail me to my address
I am so thrilled to read all these updates on the mission work since I last visited the site. My heart swells with higher vibrational energy as I feel myself drawn to the work, drawn to Baba (of course), drawn to the children.
With deep gratitude,
Jai Baba Lokenath!
We appreciate your suggestions and they will go to the editors of
the Website.
As such in our site we talk about Baba's life and teachings and show the translation of Baba's ideals
into practice through the Mission's activities.
We also have a new section to the Baba Lokenath site called Satsang with Babaji. If you wish, you can write a question to Shuddhanandaji about kriyayoga and Baba will be happy to answer it and all can read it and be Blessed! Thank you so much.
BABAs blessings are with u and ur family....HE is that ATMAN HIMESLF whose realization all the yogis strive for...
you have suggested good things...HE IS THE GITA...
all the activites that you see as part of the mission are also happening at HIS wish sometimes HE can place stress on salvation thru KRIYAYOGA..sometimes HE can stress on salvation thru service to HIS children...
It is all HIS wish....HE is controlling both you and me.
I urdently need the blessing of a pious family like yours...forgive me if I have ever argued with you...
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