Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prayers for Suffering from Tsunami, Earth Quake in Japan

I am in such awe and shock as i see the devastation in the unprecedented earthquake and tsunami in Japan, that i have lost all my words to express the deepest pain in my heart for hundreds of families who have lost their lives and lives of their dear ones.

Energy in her destructive manifestation is the most painful thing to witness, but the same energy in her manifestation of love is so full of compassion.

Let us all join our hearts in prayers to the Mother Divine so that She manifests Her compassionate form to her erring children. Who else but Mother can forgive Her children for any mistakes.

I do pray to all our devotees to sit in silence and feel deeply the pains of those who are in agony in Japan as if it is happening to ones who are members of their own families, and open their hearts in earnest prayers to the Lord of the Universe who is the Sustainer of life in this planet to have compassion for the afflicted in the Tsunami that hit Japan.

We have no powers other than to be in the path of Truth and Love and fill the world with positive vibrations of peace love and harmony. We can only pray with tears of devotion to melt the heart of the Most Compassionate One.

Pray and Meditate and evoke all that is Positive Light in this world for that is the need of the Hour.

Prayerful child of God,



Manish Bose said...

I am awestruck by reading the article on Tsunami in Japan.
I am watching climatological changes of Mother Earth and have contributed few articles & speech in Intl. forum.I feel that a great change is occuring within mother earth due to various reasons some of which are manmade.God help us in reducing pollution,emission of noxious fumes,chemicals and leave the Earth in better shape for future generation....Manish Bose

Manish Bose said...

It uis nice to see that Baba Shraddhananda Brahmachari is no9t onloy spreading the divine message of Baba Lokenath to the elite world but doing his best in helpng rural poor in areas of education, health and giving pension to 72 old
and handicapped destitute...Manish Bose